Tuesday 30 September 2008

It's late

Late, both in the evening, and 'in the day' with regard to East Street. However, I've been ploughing through my Waverley email inbox, and reading many emails with extra information from objectors to the planning application. Virtually all of them have been sent to all councillors, and focus on three main areas of traffic, theatre, and flooding.

One gentleman quite obviously puts a phenomenal amount of work into his research, and quite possibly gets more into the detail that Waverley's planning department. I'm not saying this to annoy any council planners, but to point out that between them, the objectors have a significant amount of knowledge and expertise, which they've brought to bear on all facets of the East Street proposals.

The quandry for councillors on the planning committee, is that on some particular issues (flooding and traffic for example), there are statutory consultees (Environment Agency and Surrey County Highwas respectively), and as such, their response is quite properly critical. A key question is therefore, is it possible for members of the public to draw councillors' attention to matters of material consideration, that have not been drawn out, or missed, by the statutory consultees?

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