Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Planning Applications 17th September 2008

(Click here if you want to go the Waverley planning search page, and select 'Ward' from the left hand list of options)

TM/2008/0074: 03/09/2008
Proposed Development: Application for consent for works to an Oak Tree the subject of Tree Preservation Order 06/05. Pemberley, 18 Fullers Road, Rowledge.
E: 482157 N: 143493
Case Officer: Mr A Clout

Applicant: V Fursey, Pemberley, 18 Fullers Road, Rowledge, Surrey GU10 4BP
Agent: Mr Ian Keen, Ian Keen Ltd, Redlands Farm, Redlands Lane, Ewshot, Surrey GU10 5AS

WA/2008/1638: 02/09/2008
Proposed Development: Erection of extensions and alterations (variation to permission granted under WA/2007/2746). 14 Shortheath Crest, Farnham.
E: 483023 N: 144773
Case Officer: Mrs J Hammick

Applicant: G Wickenden, 14 Shortheath Crest, Farnham, Surrey GU9 8SA
Agent: Mr C Bradbrook, 51 Alma Way, Heath End, Farnha, Surrey GU9 0QH

WA/2008/1653: 30/07/2008
Proposed Development: Erection of an 18 metre telecommunication mast with antennae, dishes and associated equipment cabinets with ancillary works. Baker Oates Stables, Gardeners Hill Road, Farnham.
E: 483643 N: 143825
Case Officer: Mr P Falconer

Applicant: Vodafone Ltd, The Connection, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 2FN
Agent: James Canby, Savills, Wessex House, Priors Walk, Eastborough, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 1PB

WA/2008/1658: 29/08/2008
Proposed Development: Erection of a conservatory following demolition of existing conservatory. 16 Bridgefield, Farnham.
E: 484622 N: 146820
Case Officer: Mr A Griffiths

Applicant: Mr Magee, 16 Bridgefield, Farnham, GU9 8AN
Agent: Z Rayner, Anglian Home Improvements, Conservatory Admin Dept, PO Box 65, Norwich NE6 6EJ

WA/2008/1671: 11/08/2008
Proposed Development: Application for Certificate of Lawfulness under Section 192 for a proposed link extension and alterations. 28 St. Peters Gardens, Farnham.
E: 482662 N: 144862
Case Officer: Western Area Team

Applicant: P Lechev, 28 St. Peters Gardens, Wrecclesham, Surrey GU10 4QX
Agent: S Brooker, Graysbrook Design Ltd, 102 High Street, Godalming, Surrey GU7 1DS

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