Monday, 29 September 2008

Record the Vote

Well, it's here at last, the week when the planning decision on the East Street application will take place. After much pondering, I'll be ringing committee services at the Council Offices this morning, and asking to speak at the meeting on Wednesday night.

Firstly, because I believe that on such an utterly crucial issue to the future of the town and everyone who lives in it, all councillors, particularly Farnham councillors, should demonstrate their position. Admittedly, I have the advantage that, not voting, I can pretty much say what I like, and not worry excessively about 'predisposition' or 'predetermination'.

[On a related matter, I saw an email thread last week that discussed a recorded vote. I see that local opposition groups are hoping this will occur, but the thread I was reading (from a separate source) stated the belief that as planning is not a political issue, then a recorded vote was not appropriate. I disagree. I believe that every vote made by a councillor is an appropriate piece of information for public dissemination - surely this is obvious as meetings are held in public, and, as they are webcast, could theoretically be paused, all votes counted and logged, and a record retained. Why not simply organise a record each time (practical issues aside / to be resolved)?]

Secondly, because I've asked questions on this blog previously about East Street, and, whilst having listened to many of your views - by email, post, over coffee, in the street - I haven't enunciated my own beliefs, and it's time to do so.

I'm certain that this will be the most 'popular' committee meeting in Waverley's history, and I look forward to seeing you there.

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