Thursday, 23 October 2008

Best Western?

Last night I attended the Western Area Committee for planning, in order to speak as a ward councillor on application WA/2008/0645 - Land behind 86 Boundstone Road.

It's a bit complex due to the history of the site, so I won't delve into that here. But, I wanted to post that I was pleased with the debate. Whilst the decision went the opposite way to my aspirations, I believe that the questions asked by members of the committee were pertinent, and demonstrated the tension between a planning process that can appear to be unsympathetic to common sense, and councillors who are striving to make somethng right in their community, on behalf of residents.

I'm certain that this will be a constant battle for all time!

[As a side note, just like to say that Gina Pink's presentation on enforcement at the beginning of the meeting was excellent!]

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