Monday, 9 February 2009

I didn't realise it was so bad

Email's a great thing, and in many ways I've kept in touch with what's been happening even though I've been thousands of miles away in some pretty remote places.

But it wasn't really until I was home this weekend, that I could really envisage the difficult circumstances under which our public services have been operating, especially the rubbish and recycling collections. And it's been driven home to me by the number of emails from fellow members of the council who are sharing residents' frustrations at the lack of collection over the past week.

Whilst I can't claim to be able to solve the problem personally, I can promise to communicate and negotiate and influence as much as possible - so, if you do still have an outstanding collection issue in the ward, let me know, and I will find out as soon as I can about when you can expect it to be sorted.

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