Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Planning Applications 18th February 2009

(Click here if you want to go the Waverley planning search page, and select 'Ward' from the left hand list of options)

WA/2009/0133: 27/01/2009
Proposed Development: Erection of single storey extension following demolition of existing. Installation of rooflights. 4 Copse Way, Farnham.
E: 482690 N: 144731
Case Officer: Mr Stefan Enslin

Applicant: Mr Devaney, 18a Tilford Road, Farnham GU9 8DL
Agent: Mr G Phillips, Phillips Associates, Vernon House, Thursley Road, Elstead, Surrey GU8 6DH

WA/2009/0154: 09/02/2009

Proposed Development: Conversion of garage to kitchen and utility room; erection of infill extension between garage and house. 28 St Peters Gardens, Wrecclesham, Farnham.
E: 482662 N: 144862
Case Officer: Mr A Griffiths

Applicant: P Lechev, 28 St Peters Gardens, Wrecclesham GU10 4QX
Agent: Mr A Cutler, Fiducia UK Ltd, 27 Gillian Close, Aldershot GU12 4HU

WA/2009/0156: 28/01/2009
Proposed Development: Erectio of a two storey extension. Firlands, 16 The Avenue, Farnham.
E: 482878 N: 143561
Case Officer: Mrs J Hammick

Applicant: S King, The Avenue, Rowledge GU10 4BD
Agent: Mr Wright, Wrecclesham Farm, Echo Barn Lane, Farnham GU10 4NJ

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