Wednesday, 4 February 2009

No to No2ID... for now

You may recall that a few weeks ago I described how I support the NO2ID campaign, and I followed this up by proposing to the executive that we put forward a motion at the next full council, an example of which could be as follows:

1. That the introduction of National Identity Cards will do little, if anything, to prevent terrorism, crime or fraud and that the money could be spent more effectively.
2. That it will be an unacceptable burden for the citizens of West Berkshire to be forced to pay for a card without regard to their ability to pay.
3. That this is an unacceptable infringement of civil liberties and a further domination of Government over the citizen.

I circulated this with members, and received a broad range of responses. On the basis of needing to address various points raised (all good), and in the desire not to detract from what will be necessarily a robust and critical meeting in a few week's time (where the budget will be the main item), I will be postponing this motion until a future date.

I'd still be very pleased to hear from anyone who has a view on this, and help inform my position, and a future council motion.

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