Thursday, 1 May 2008

Good? Bad? Powerless.

Heard some good news about Wrecclesham Road this morning courtesy of a neighbour. Surrey County Council have announced the various road repairs that will be taking place in the next two years.

On that list is Wrecclesham Road, from the roundabout on the A31, to 25 metres north of the railway bridge. [Click here and look near the bottom of page 6] However, I have a question in my mind that I'm going to follow-up: on the 31st March, an appeal was allowed against the decision to refuse planning permission for a scheme of "45 dwellings and 41 bedroom nursing home". The conditions placed on the appeal include the construction of proper access, including an island in the road, and revised pavements. It would be great if these works could be done collaboratively, and I'll ask David Munro (our local Surrey County Councillor and portfolio holder for highways) if there are plans for this.

I didn't support this planning application, and continue to worry about the detrimental effect it may have on the village, especially with regard to traffic. But, as the Highways Agency didn't object, the appeal inspector was fairly powerless to do anything on this basis.

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