Friday, 20 June 2008

Dispensing Justice

Holly Tree Surgery
Thanks to my fellow councillor John Ward for alerting me to the challenges facing the Holly Tree Surgery on Boundstone Road. The peculiarities of licensing dispensaries is causing a major headache for them.

The surgery presently has a 'Dispensing Licence' which allows it to dispense medicines to its patients provided they live more than 1.6 kilometres (1 mile) from an actual Pharmacy. An application to open a pharmacy in Rowledge has been submitted by a much larger company and if granted, would mean that the Holly Tree Surgery would have to cease dispensing to virtually all its patients. Although sounding useful, this would be a serious inhibition to the surgery being able to server its patients in the most sensible and comprehensive way.

The surgery website has some great tips on how to write to the local Primary Care Support Services to oppose this application. Please consider writing soon. I will be.

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