Saturday, 28 June 2008

What would be your policy?

Thankfully my flight landed roughly on time, so I managed to make it to Waverley Abbey House by 9.30 this morning. It's the final weekend of the Conservative Christian Fellowship Development Programme, on which each participant has to give a policy presentation about an area of their choice. It's designed to help them clarify their thinking, and work on their communication skills. Three of the policies we heard were about:

Mental Health
Aspergers Syndrome
Restorative Justice for Young Offenders

Hearing young aspiring politicians strive to make sense of their passions, their beliefs, and their aspirations, in the context of today's political and societal environment, is always a special time. For the third year running I'm struck by the fact that there are young people wishing to make a difference in our county: rather then detect the direction of the wind, they wish to change the wind itself.

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