Friday, 18 July 2008

Hands up if you want to concrete over the South-East?

Ah, that will be the Secretary of State then.

If a development of 2,500 dwelling at Bordon/Whitehill didn't seem enough, then you'll be pleased. The Secretary of State has increased this provision to 5,500!

5,500!!!! And where, I hear you all ask, is the associated plan for infrastructure - roads, doctors, dentists, schools.. - that must surely accompany it. Well, I think that it's buried in a number of other documents, but at 54 pages, I haven't quite read the whole of the 'Regional Transport Strategy (Chapter 9 of Regional Planning Guidance for the South East RPG9'. And, I'm certain that it doesn't include a by-pass for Wrecclesham. However, it does make reference to our area - recognise / understand any of this? I'm pretty certain it was written by Sir Humphrey:

Delivery of the necessary step change in the development and management of the transport system is likely to require the adoption of an 'integreated management' approach to the delivery of investment across all modes, supported by the consistent application of a strong suite of supporting mobility management measures.

The SoS's proposals to change the existing plans must be open for public consultation, and the 12-week period has just started. To make comments you can visit the Government Office for the South East website.

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