Saturday, 12 July 2008

Traffic (Mis)Management

Click here to see the traffic order that I received in the post this morning.

Whilst it's not strictly in the ward or Wrecclesham and Rowledge, I'm convinced it's going to cause some pretty ugly traffic problems over the summer. Bus routes, school runs (come September), lorries getting confused by satnav - you name it, I'm concerned that Wrecclesham and Shortheath are going to grind to a halt. Lots of residential routes are going to be used the lorries that presently (and already frustratingly) rumble through Wrecclesham, and then circumvent the low railway bridge by cutting along Weydon Lane.

I'm not saying there's anything better, and that these diversions aren't necessary - they are, and I'm sure the Highways team at Surrey County Council have identified the nearest available routes - but this must be seen in the light of years of campaigning for a Wrecclesham Bypass - if one existed then so much of this imminent nightmare could be avoided.

For a map of the area, see my map of the ward - I've drawn on the area of the closure.

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