Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Planning Applications 23rd April 2008

(Click here if you want to go the Waverley planning search page, and select 'Ward' from the left hand list of options)

TM/2008/0027: 03/04/2008

Proposed Development
Works to trees the subject of Tree Preservation Order Far15. 15 Hollis Wood Drive, Farnham.
E: 482312 N: 144368
Case Officer: Neighbourhood Team

Applicant & Agent: Mr & Mrs F P Whitlock, 15 Hollis Wood Drive, Farnham, Surrey GU10 4JT

WA/2008/0688: 28/03/2008

Proposed Development
Retention of a shed. Albion Cottage, 78 The Street, Wrecclesham.
E: 482503 N: 144867
Case Officer: Mr A Griffiths

Applicant & Agent: C S Robertson, Albion Cottages, 78 The Street, Wrecclesham, Surrey GU10 4QR
WA/2008/0698: 28/03/2008

Proposed Development
Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 3 new detached dwellings with associated access, amenity space and car parking (revision of WA/2007/1717). Land at 22 Lickfolds Road, Rowledge.
E: 482229 N: 142915
Case Officer: Mr R Pearmain

Applicant: Bourne Homes Ltd, Langborough House, Beales Lane, Wrecclesham, Surrey GU10 4PY
Agent: O Oldroyd MRICS, 4 School Lane, Farnham, Surrey GU10 3PE

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