Friday, 14 March 2008

Bus Passes

Some time ago, I was involved in the Community Overview and Scrutiny committee meeting that voted to continue to extend the hours of the free bus pass scheme in Waverley. We were informed of the changes to the scheme that meant passess would now be valid nationally, not simply borough-wide, and were asked to consider whether keeping the extended hours (a 9.00 am start instead of the minimum 9.30 am start), would cause confusion if other boroughs didn't do the same.

We agreed to keep the extension, but on receiving further advice that it was required for all councils within Surrey to agree to the same hours, we amended our decision, in order to be in line with an emerging consensus for the standard 9.30 am.

However....! Very recently a handful of councils have decided to individually override this perceived need for a consensus, and announced plans to start the scheme daily at 9.00 am (e.g. Mole Valley). So, I'm delighted to blog that Waverley will also begin concessions at 9.00 am as well.

All information on bus passes can be found on the Waverley website.

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