Monday, 31 March 2008

Planning Appeal Decision

Appeal Ref: APP/R3650/A/07/2056390
6A & 8 Wrecclesham Road, Wrecclesham, Surrey, GU9 8TZ
• The appeal is made under section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990
against a refusal to grant outline planning permission.
• The appeal is made by Crownhall (PNH) Properties Ltd against the decision of Waverley
Borough Council.
• The application Ref WA/2007/0901, dated 17 April 2007, was refused by notice dated
31 August 2007.
• The development proposed is a mixed use scheme comprising 45 dwellings and a 41
bedroom nursing home with associated parking and landscaping. The appeal
application is in outline with only appearance reserved for subsequent approval.

Procedural Matters
1. At the close of the Inquiry I requested that plans showing the location of Alice
Holt Forest, Farnham Park and the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection
Area be provided at the site visit. This was done and these plans are listed at
the end of this decision.

2. I allow the appeal, and grant outline planning permission for a mixed use
scheme comprising 45 dwellings and a 41 bedroom nursing home with
associated parking and landscaping at 6A & 8 Wrecclesham Road,
Wrecclesham, Surrey, GU9 8TZ in accordance with the terms of the application,
Ref WA/2007/0901, dated 17 April 2007 and the plans submitted with it,
subject to the conditions set out in the Schedule attached to this decision.

Click here to go to the Planning Inspectorate website, and here for this appeal summary, from where you can access the full documented appeal.
Planning Inspectorate

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