I know, I know - it's Wednesday and you (all 4 of you) are looking forward to reading the planning applications submitted in the past week. Looking forward to reading about Mr Blogg's extension, the conservatory on the back of the victorian terrace next door, and the latest block of 64 'exclusive' (and I really don't understand how they can be exclusive when anyone can buy them) apartments where a lovely large family home with half an acre of garden presently sits.
But, there are none. That's right - zero, nil, love (if you play tennis) - none. And I did search twice just to make sure.
Wednesday, 30 April 2008
Sorry, could you say that again?
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
Talk the walk
I blogged about our MP's new YouTube site when he launched it, and have this week noted a new video about the pedestrianising of Farnham.
It's a very pertinent time for his comments, coming in the weeks leading up to the planning decision that's due on the latest East Street application. He points out the aspiration for pedestrianisation, but countered by the reality of traffic management, (not least right now, even prior to any increase due to extra homes and shopping!)
I'm completely in support of both an analysis, and a trial of redirection and pedestrianisation. This idea was referred to by a question from a member of the public early into the council meeting on 22nd April, and whilst I would have written parts of the letter differently, it nonetheless clearly highlighted this as a concern.
Monday, 28 April 2008
to help, to aid, to serve
Today I was reminded of the generosity of volunteers, by way of meeting with the organiser of Farnham Assist, a group of over 100 people giving their time to serve Farnham's Senior Citizens.
To hear someone speak passionately about the selfless giving of time in order to improve and enliven the lives of others is inspiring. I met initially to explore some ways of buliding on a model that Farnham Assist have pioneered in conjunction with CA Waverley, and ended receiving much more than I expected.
If you're looking for an opportunity to give your time and serve others, please don't hesitate to get in touch with Brian Kurton.
Sunday, 27 April 2008
One Body
Visiting good friends in Cambridge this weekend, we attended their church this morning, and I was struck by the sermon on the symbolism of the 'body' used by the Apostle Paul to describe how church works best.
1 Corinthians 12 is where Paul symbolically describes the church as a body of inseparable members, and how each part, whilst honoured or respected to a lesser or greater degree, is nonetheless equally required in order for the body to work fully as one.
It struck me (without taking the analogy too far I hope), that the council could equally be considered one body of many members - each one performing its part, with some more responsible than others, but all equally required in order for the council to serve its purpose: to provide the residents of Waverley with the day-to-day facilites required.
Saturday, 26 April 2008
O what a beautiful morning...
... O what a beautiful day.
Wow - it's a great morning - the air is clear, the sun is shining, the birds (and our chickens) are singing (or clucking), and members of the Farnham Local Food Initiative are sowing and planting for the very first time.
What a delightful day on which to do this, and I hope that everyone enjoys themselves immensely. Robert Simpson has done an amazing job pulling this together, and his enthusiasm and perseverance are infectiousness.
There's still time to join in. Visit their website for details, and be down there for 10 am this morning!
Friday, 25 April 2008
It could be that I'm a nerd (probably), or that I live and breathe Waverley (no, I have a better balance than that in life,) or maybe that I think making it easy for residents to communicate with the council, to find information, and to generally know what's going on, is a good thing for all (definitely).
Hence, a short to post to say what a great new website we have, and please visit.
Thursday, 24 April 2008
Re: Structure
Some more movement at the top in Waverley. David January, long-standing director of Housing, is leaving Waverley in July, after 21 years service, and also Sheila Goodall, Housing Services Manager, after 18 years.
This gives the opportunity to create a new department of "Community Services". It's a title that's close to my heart, as I love the Community committee, where we debate and decide on matters relating to how our communities are served by what Waverley does, and in many ways, serves the most needy and vulnerable.
Great news within this, is that John Swanton will take responsiblity for the Housing Service within this new department - an experience and passionate leader, with an equally enthusiastic and able team.
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
RIP ...A
Last Saturday I posted about the Regulations of Investigatory Powers Act 2000, which grants to all local authorities in England and Wales, the use of covert intelligence gathering techniques, under specific constraints and provisions.
The Act was news to me, and so I wrote that I would find out whether Waverley has used these powers at all.
Yesterday I received a great explanatory email from a council solicitor, explaining the Act further, the constraints on its use, and attaching a policy document that Waverley adopted and now follows in its use of the Act. I don't have exact information on use, and this may not be possible due to the inherent nature of the activities undertaken within the provisions of the Act.
I'd encourage you to read the policy document, found our the council website, and let me know what you think.
Planning Applications 23rd April 2008
(Click here if you want to go the Waverley planning search page, and select 'Ward' from the left hand list of options)
TM/2008/0027: 03/04/2008
Proposed Development
Works to trees the subject of Tree Preservation Order Far15. 15 Hollis Wood Drive, Farnham.
E: 482312 N: 144368
Case Officer: Neighbourhood Team
Applicant & Agent: Mr & Mrs F P Whitlock, 15 Hollis Wood Drive, Farnham, Surrey GU10 4JT
WA/2008/0688: 28/03/2008
Proposed Development
Retention of a shed. Albion Cottage, 78 The Street, Wrecclesham.
E: 482503 N: 144867
Case Officer: Mr A Griffiths
Applicant & Agent: C S Robertson, Albion Cottages, 78 The Street, Wrecclesham, Surrey GU10 4QR
WA/2008/0698: 28/03/2008
Proposed Development
Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 3 new detached dwellings with associated access, amenity space and car parking (revision of WA/2007/1717). Land at 22 Lickfolds Road, Rowledge.
E: 482229 N: 142915
Case Officer: Mr R Pearmain
Applicant: Bourne Homes Ltd, Langborough House, Beales Lane, Wrecclesham, Surrey GU10 4PY
Agent: O Oldroyd MRICS, 4 School Lane, Farnham, Surrey GU10 3PE
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
Superman might have a problem...
...as BT are proposing the removal of 47 payphones in Waverley!
It's understandable that for commercial reasons BT see the need to reduce the number of payphones that do not cover their own costs. However, I am of the belief that, similarly to Post Offices, the government has an obligation to ensure that essential services (and by consequence not necessarily ones that are used frequently), should be maintained and available to all.
So, to the nitty gritty: two of the payphones are in our villages (click the locations to go to map of where they are:
1. Applelands Close, Wrecclesham
2. The Square, Rowledge
I'm going to pop round and double-check these, but in the meantime, please, please email me with any comments about these payphones, and material reasons why they should retained.
The letter from BT to Waverley Borough Council, states that the consultation period closes on 2nd July. If you plan to write, make sure you include the phone number of the box you're referring to, and post to
FAO Rick Thompson, Project Liaison Office
BT Payphones, PP05A23, Delta Point, Wellesley Road, Croydon CR9 2YZ
or email btp.authorisation.team@bt.com
Monday, 21 April 2008
It's good to talk - and act!
As my wife reminds me - "I want actions, not just words!" And so I've eventually put a new list on the side bar of useful telephone numbers.
Actually, I was also prompted by a meeting I had in the council offices this morning, when I was given a little postcard with most of these numbers. Really handy, and just the kind of thing that I'd put on my fridge door.
Saturday, 19 April 2008
You cannot be serious!
But I can - you really cannot believe how much post the average councillor gets. I'm a self-confessed geek, so you might be able to imagine that I'm all for getting everything electronically on my iPhone! It might the prevent the at least 500 sheets of paper I get through my door each month.However, some things are nice printed, and I receive the Local Government Association magazine for councillors 'first' through the door each week. This time, the name of Bill Bryson on the cover caught my eye, and took me to an article about litter. Regular readers (all 3 of you), will note a couple of posts from me before about this, but today I'm extoling the virtues of "Stop The Drop" campaign by the Campaign for Rural England.
Do have a think about setting up a Community Clean-up where you live. Follow links to "Take Action" on the CPRE web pages, and you can see how easy it is.
Friday, 18 April 2008
Planning Appeal Decision
Appeal A - Ref: APP/R3650/E/07/2060130
24 & 26 Pottery Lane, Wrecclesham, Farnham GU10 4QJ
• This appeal is made under sections 20 and 74 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and
Conservation Areas) Act 1990 by Arcadia Ventures Southern Ltd and is against the
failure of Waverley Borough Council to determine within the prescribed period an
application for conservation area consent for the demolition of the existing buildings.
• The application [ref WA/2007/0706] is dated 7th March 2007.
Summary of decision: The appeal is allowed, subject to a condition, as set
out below in the Formal Decision
Appeal B - Ref: APP/R3650/A/07/2060131
24 & 26 Pottery Lane, Wrecclesham, Farnham GU10 4QJ
• This appeal is made under section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 by
Arcadia Ventures Southern Ltd and is against the failure of Waverley Borough Council to
determine within the prescribed period a planning application for the demolition of the
existing buildings and the erection of 3 detached houses and a terrace of 7 houses.
• The application [ref WA/2007/0705] is dated 7th March 2007.
Summary of decision: The appeal is allowed, subject to conditions, as set
out below in the Formal Decision
Click here to go to the Planning Inspectorate website, and here for this appeal summary, from where you can access the full documented appeal.
Red, White, Blue... and Brown
One of the lesser known think tanks (if any of them could be said to be well-known!), but certainly one of the most thoughtful, well-written, and balanced, is Theos, a 'Public Theology Think Tank'. Having already published two excellently written reports on faith in the public square, and bishops in the House of Lords, this latest one has gripped me.
Considering the nature of nationalism vs. neighbourliness, Paul Woolley and Nick Spencer scrutinise the thinking of Gordon Brown over the past 20 years, and ask whether relying on the tenets of nationalism, in the less contentious wrapping of patriotism, is really the best way to move from reliance on the state, to society (my summary).
Their reports are all clearly and coherently written, and massively informative. Please visit their site, and be involved with the kind of public discourse that really does matter.
Thursday, 17 April 2008
I've just returned from an 'estate walkabout' around Beldham Road, Cobbett's Way, and Greenfield Road. These are conducted periodically with the Tenant's Panel, Housing Dept, and the organisations that conduct repairs and grounds maintenance.
Today we spotted quite a lot of things that will be brought to the attention of the correct parties, and hopefully moved on swiftly. I've included a few of the photos in this post. I'd be really happy to revisit if we've missed something.And finally... Pat Wright, the chair of the Waverley Tenants' Panel, has asked me to appeal for a volunteer to act as a local monitor for the area. This would simply be a matter of periodically looking closely around these few roads, and ringing through any issues to the council, who will deal with them straightaway. It's a great way to ensure that local issues are raised and resolved quickly. Please do let me know if you're interested!
Wednesday, 16 April 2008
It's good to talk - again
Following on from a few weeks ago, I've listed a few more key phone numbers below. One of these days I'll create a side bar item down the right to keep them our neat and tidy and to hand.
Tenant Repairs : 08009 547 548
Emergency out-of-hours repairs : 02392 242161
Emergency central heating services : 08009 179306
Planning Applications 16th April 2008
(Click here if you want to go the Waverley planning search page, and select 'Ward' from the left hand list of options)
WA/2008/0604: 18/03/2008
Proposed Development
Erection of a new dwelling (revision of WA/2007/2288). Land At 77 Riverdale, Farnham.
E: 482455 N: 145054
Case Officer: Chris Andrews
Applicant: Pickup Homes Ltd, 8 Boyneswood Close, Medstead, Alton, Hants GU34 5EB
Agent: David Algar, Chennells Brook House, North Heath Lane, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 5PJ
WA/2008/0605: 25/03/2008
Proposed Development
Erection of a first floor extension (revision of WA/2007/2683). 25 Rosemary Lane, Farnham.
E: 482245 N: 143551
Case Officer: Mr A Griffiths
Applicant: L Lambton, 25 Rosemary Lane, Rowledge, Farnham, Surrey GU10 4DB
Agent: Charter Design Associates, The Stable, Chamber Lane, Farnham, Surrey GU10 5ET
WA/2008/0626: 14/03/2008
Proposed Development
Erection of replacement dwelling following demolition of existing dwelling. 11 Fullers Road, Rowledge.
E: 482145 N: 143441
Case Officer: Chris Andrews
Applicant: P & H Epps, 11 Fullers Road, Rowledge, Surrey GU10 4BP
Agent: Mr Alex Horsfall, HWO Architects, 1 Bastwick Street, London EC1V 3NU
WA/2008/0644: 18/03/2008
Proposed Development
Erection of a detached dwelling (revision of WA/2007/1615). 20 Lickfolds Road, Rowledge.
E: 482295 N: 142966
Case Officer: Chris Andrews
Applicant & Agent: R Hills, C/O Agent J Long, Planit Consulting, Barnfield, Po Box 721, Godalming, Surrey GU7 9BR
WA/2008/0653: 25/03/2008
Proposed Development
Siting of a storage container for a temporary period. Recreation Ground, Westfield Lane, Farnham.
E: 482467 N: 144792
Case Officer: Ms L Smitheman
Applicant: Farnham Rugby Football Club, Recreation Ground, Westfield Lane, Farnham, Surrey GU10 4QP
Agent: J O'Sullivan, 27 Hillside Road, Aldershot, Hants GU11 3LX
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Graffiti? What Graffiti?
I almost forgot to post about the excellent service I received last week via the Graffiti hotline. Only 2 days after I rang them (and followed up with an email of detailed locations), the team had been out and removed the offending 'tags' - totally gone.
My neighbour was really taken aback, as they'd cleaned up the one on her garden wall, and now she realises that the rest of the wall needs cleaning too!
Suffice to say, it was a job well done. A great response.
Monday, 14 April 2008
Keep Guildford and Waverley Clean 2008
This weekend my wife bumped into Mick who cleans the streets near our house twice a week. Even though it's not strictly in his patch, he includes the new playground on Beldham Road, because it so quickly get's completely littered, and needs attention.It reminded me of a letter I received a week ago from Waverley Environmental Services, regarding an extra team of cleaning staff who will tackle nominated areas in the borough. It's a great idea, and you can read more about it, and nominate areas, by going to the Keep Guildford and Waverley Clean 2008 web pages.
Also, the team will undertake a project such as tree planting, in an area important to residents. Please consider nominating an area in Wrecclesham or Rowledge.
Sunday, 13 April 2008
A quick post about Mariana, who studies at the University of the Creative Arts in Farnham, and lives in Wrecclesham. A final year student, she's currently finishing her culminating animation, drawing hundreds of frames a week, and still managing to squeeze in some hours at our coffee shop on a Saturday.
Anyway, thought I'd say that you can see her showreel on youtube, and if you want to meet her, she's next at the coffee shop on Saturday 26th April.
Saturday, 12 April 2008
Bond, James Bond
The Daily Mail (and before you say anything, no, I don't buy it or read it, but happened to see it lying open this morning...) has an article about a council that literally spied on a local family, suspecting that they may be lying in order to get their child into their preferred school.
Having spent a bit of time reading up on the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000, it does appear that all local authorities now have power to use 'covert human intelligence sources' to gather evidence against those they suspect of misleading them.
I'm a bit taken aback, as I thought we lived in a non-communist country. So, I've decided I'm going to do a bit of digging, and see what I can find out about the use of these powers by Waverley.
Watch this space. As it were.
Friday, 11 April 2008
Lickfolds Road et al
There were a few weeks last year when I received the most letters I've ever had since becoming a councillor. It was all to do with a planning application for a property in Lickfolds Road. Well, it's that time again I think. In the past few days I've received both letters and emails both from those in favour, and those objecting, to an application for 24 Lickfolds Road.
I'm not going to express an opinion here, today, but it has reminded me of something I've wanted to do for a while - and that's to add a weekly post containing a list of new planning applications for the Ward of Wrecclesham and Rowledge. I like the planning system on the Waverley website a lot, but it might be helpful to have a subset of this list available in an easier format. So here it is for the first time. If you think there's an easier way for me to present it, do let me know.
(Click here if you want to go the Waverley planning search page, and select 'Ward' from the left hand list of options)
WA/2008/0581: 17/03/2008
Proposed Development
Erection of a new dwelling.
Land at Crowholt Cottage, Echo Barn Lane, Farnham.
E: 482896 N: 144519
Case Officer: Major Sites & Implementation Team
Applicant: Mr & Mrs M Alexander, Crowholt Cottage, Echo Barn Lane, Farnham, Surrey GU10 4NL
Agent: Kerry Field, 4 Hillary Road, Farnham, Surrey GU9 8QY
WA/2008/0591: 20/03/2008
Proposed Development
Conversion of existing dwelling into 2 dwellings together with the erection of a conservatory and alterations (follows invalid application WA/2008/0398). Westfield House, 70 Wrecclesham Hill, Farnham.
E: 481897.3 N: 144221.8
Case Officer: Major Sites & Implementation Team
Applicant & Agent: Serpentine Developments Ltd, 2 Peartree Cottages, Lovel Lane, Woodside, Windsor SL4 2DJ
I sort, therefore I recycle
This morning I met our recycle team for the first time, and at the end of my drive.
Shamefully I'd been getting it wrong when mixing various recyclable materials - I'd been leaving cans in with the glass, when it should have been in with the plastics. So, hearing the tinkle of bottles being carried, I dashed down to ask what I was doing wrong. They were about to leave without taking the glass / cans. However, on hearing my query and realising I needed help as I was a confused young(ish) man, they quickly answered my questions, helped me sort out the separate items, and took away my recycling.
I have to say, that it started my day with a smile - to have a good, fun, educational conversation with a good bunch of guys, with the sun shining. Thumbs up for the recycling team for Wrecclesham.
Thursday, 10 April 2008
Front Page Splash!
I can't believe it. On the front page of a newspaper! It may only be the Herald, but wonderfully it's about the new play equipment at Beldham Road in Wrecclesham.
At the Neighbourhood Panel for that area on Tuesday night, there was much gratitude for it, and feedback that it was being used by 'hundreds of kids', which is just as hoped and intended. A few concerns were raised about older youth abusing it, and the local police are seeing if they can arrange for a camera on the area to deter such activity.
Anyway, a nice story all round I think.
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Post Offices? What Post Offices?
I received the sad news today that both of the Post Offices threatened with closure (Tilford, and Station Road, Farnham) will indeed be closed. I'm not so cynical that I would say that the 'consultation' was simply an mandatory exercise with a foregone conclusion. But I do believe that it's immensely disappointing for all local residents, and actually, to a large extent, forced on PO Ltd by a government that took away all the major reasons for a Post Office to stay in the black.My colleague and portfolio holder David Munro will definitely do all he can to ensure that the accessibility of the nearest PO for any resident is investigated thoroughly, and provision made for transportation to and from. David is already in contact with Hoppa.
See the Waverley website for more information.
Monday, 7 April 2008
From temporary traffic lights, to lighter traffic
I've been meaning to post about this for a few days: most of us have probably noticed the adjustments to the staggered crossroads at tops of School Hill and Sandrock Hill have begun. And we've probably noticed when we've been caught in the four way temporary traffic lights.The order details can be found here, and the plan document here, both on Surrey County Council's website. Personally I think they look okay, and I wouldn't be a great fan of permanent traffic lights at the junction.
If you have any thoughts on it all, do let me know.
Click here to go to the SCC summary web page on the consultation.
Sunday, 6 April 2008
Feel a bit sheepish today. After having posted a couple of weeks ago about a weather warning from the Met Office, received via Waverely, and subsequently seeing no real severe weather, I naturally responded cynically when receiving another warning, this time about snow over the weekend.
Not wanting to alarm my blog readers (all one of them), and cause unnecessary preparations for blizzard (at least for the UK) conditions, I decided other things could take my attention.
For all of this I apologise, and unreservedly offer a free loan of my snow-shovel to anyone needing it.
Saturday, 5 April 2008
Inn on the Hill
I'm not (yet) intending on making this a regular feature, but thought that as it's a Saturday, and for most a day off, I'd also make it a day off from anything connected with politics.
Hence, a restaurant review. We picked up a friend from Hindhead, a colleague from a hotel in Haslemere, and then headed to the Inn on the Hill. It wasn't on a recommendation, more an attraction to the branding (which shows that it sometimes works), and we weren't disappointed.
Simply but elegant surroundings, and friendly (and family-friendly) staff, combined to make us feel at home straightaway, and even though they needed the table for a second-sitting, we didn't feel rushed at all.
The South-African sausage starter was wonderful (evidenced by the speed at which our 10 month-old son gobbled it down), and apparently the wild-mushrooms on Brioche pretty good too.
The only down-side was the sirloin steak which took well-done to a new level of crispy. Otherwise the double-burgers were too huge to finish (and to give the waiter his due, he did warn us - us being me and my ex-Professional-American-Footballer colleague, thinking that nothing could defeat us having seen a 64oz steak in Chicago last year), and gorgeous, and the duck in a ginger sauce uncommon and delicious.
Well, I've probably proved that (a) my food vocabulary could be widened, and that (b) meat is high on my list of things to eat. Otherwise I've hopefully shown that Inn on the Hill will see us again sometime, but just don't ask for your meat well-done - take it down a notch.
Thursday, 3 April 2008
Tom and Pascal
It's late, but I need to post about an event earlier tonight at the Houses of Parliament. For me, a visit to the Palace of Westminster might usually be a meeting of the Conservative Christian Fellowship, but this time it was to see the launch of a new high quality coffee from Rwanda. And it was an evening of inspiration.
Whilst the Fairtrade Foundation is undoubtedly responsible for the vast increase in awareness of unethical and sometime downright greedy exploitation of producers in the 2nd and 3rd world, it is also true that (a) they spend the majority of their income on promoting their brand, and (b) one must be involved in a co-operative to receive recognition, rather than an individual farmer.
Union Hand-Roasted seek the best of both worlds. Their 'relationship' approach to coffee, is demonstrated in their commitment to meeting all the farmers from whom they buy beans; their purchasing of beans at a price way about the fairtrade minimum; and their insistence that all tasting is blind, and purchasing done on quality only.
It's this last point that makes the real difference. By buying on quality alone, coupled with the commitment to work with farmers and co-operatives to get coffee to the kind of quality required, Union work from both ends of the chain, and thus help develop communities like Maraba into depending on their own ability to produce something that is in high demand around the world, and
As Tom and Pascal, two farmers from Maraba, who spoke last night, said, "Please buy more of our coffee!" I for one will be doing so.
Statistics, damned statistics, and, BVPIs?
Every Overview and Scrutiny committee of the council reviews a subset of BVPIs (Best Value Performance Indicators). Last night there were a few cynical comments about accuracy, necessity and coherency of the set of indicators we use.
I have a foot in both camps. Whilst I think that some statistics can be nonsense when they aren't designed to encourage specific desired behaviours, and therefore simply become numbers that 'they' want to see, it's also possible that these indicators can truly show how well we are doing. This is the case for many of our Community stats, and I hope will continue to do so. There are things that Waverley do really well, and we should be proud of them.
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
Fiscal Fixing
Further to my post of last Friday, when I noted the threat of capping of the Surrey Police Authority by the government, I can now attach a letter from the Chief Constable of Surrey Police to the Minister of State, Tony McNulty MP. This was sent on 23rd January, many weeks before the public attention we're now seeing.But before some quotes, a few thoughts - income tax, council tax, benefits, in fact anything regarding government finance is never as black or white as it may at first seem. Reading the Chief Constable's letter, makes me ponder over a particular aspect of government funds - that of something that I shall call 'historical-fiscal injustice'. It's the reality that present day income is dependent on the appropriate and forward-thinking (or not) decision of yesteryear.
Of course, it's not the only reason that funds become inadequate, but it's part of it. The difficulty, or sometimes the inability to look to the future and know what resources are required, means that funding (tax) increases may lag further and further behind what is needed, especially when there is a cap of 5%.
And that's the rub - if in one year, there is a clear and present need for more money, a cap on any increase does not provide any kind of flexibility in raising it. Perhaps there's be some good headlines for the government in declaring how it is protecting the voters' interests, but more than likely it will do the opposite, by condemning the residents of Surrey to future years (not just this one), of inadequately resourced policing.
Here's a few excerpts from the letter:
I am writing in unprecedented terms to express my professional concerns about the risks to public safety of people in Surrey over the next three to five years, if our funding position is not resolved urgently. Given the inadequacies of the current funding formula in failing to take account of cross border criminality and protective services risks which are disproportionately affecting Surrey, I request you give urgent consideration of a special grant for the next CSR 3-year period.
I have serious concerns about the Force's ability to effectively meet the escalating risks facing the Force in the future. My judgement is based on a comprehensive analysis of the nature of the policing threat facing the Force now and over the next three to five years. This assessment shows serious changes in offending patterns and protective services risk profiles. We are about to hit the tipping point where the majority of burglary, vehicle crime and robbery come from travelling offenders visiting Surrey from neighbouring high crime generating areas including London (currently at 46%).
It is operationally indefensible that Surrey should receive the same level of funding as rural forces located well away from the effects of large urban centres or indeed the Capital. This is of particular concern given that the county makes a greater net contribution to the exchequer than any other county (£5.3bn).
It is for these reasons that I am seeking a special grant for Surrey for the forthcoming CSR period for a total of £54 million (i.e. £18 million / year for 3 years), which will take us to the regional average grant of £106/head* and a commitment that the funding formula will be reviewed to develop a formula capable of matching resources to risks.
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
It's good to talk
I've had reason to hunt out various phone numbers today, so here's a list of those I've used, that are probably pretty popular with residents of Waverley:Graffiti hotline - 01483 523405
Tenant reporting repairs - 08009 547 548 (repairs@waverley.gov.uk)
Potholes - 08456 009 009
If I get a moment, I'll add an item to the righthand menu with key phone numbers.