Friday, 8 August 2008

The Ancient Tithing of Wrecclesham

In preparation for the next meeting (on Monday evening at 5 pm at the Farnham Pottery if you're interested) of the Wrecclesham Village Design Statement Group, I spoke with Pat Heather, the secretary of the Farnham and District Museum Society.

Pat Heather has an absolute wealth of knowledge regarding Wrecclesham, and in order for us to properly plan for the design statement we need to know more about the village history. We'll be relying on work that Pat did for the previous (2002) Wrecclesham Conservation Area Appraisal, but in the meantime, I'm intrigued by her comment on an email to me this morning: "... your ward is only one part of the ancient tithing of Wrecclesham - I think you will be surprised when you learn how large it was."

I'll find out some more, and when I do, I'll try and plot the boundaries of this ancient tithing on the ward map I keep on this blog.

If you're interested in the society, you can find our more on the Waverley website, where information is given about the museum and the society.

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