Thursday, 28 August 2008

Transition Town. Farnham Florins?

Transition FarnhamHad a good conversation with Finn Jackson this afternoon - over a nice cup of tea. We were discussing his endeavour to draw together those in Farnham who are interested in exploring the future after oil. And I only discovered about it this morning in the Farnham Herald, reading the article on page three, and visiting his website, Transition Farnham.

There's a theory called Peak Oil, that describes how the world's oil production will peak, after which it will diminish because of the exhaustion of existing known supplies, and an expected decrease in discoveries, ultimately leaving us with little or no oil. Transition Towns are communities beginning to address new ways of being and doing, that don't rely on oil, and seek to use more sustainable methods. And some are even discussing using their own local 'currency' to encourage more spending locally.

I guess I should declare a conflict of interest - the fact that I currently contract for a major oil company might mean I may look too rosily on its own attempts to encourage alternative energy sources. But, even so, I do think that there's both a role for big oil to use its unique and powerful position to 'explore' new energy, as well as individuals and small communities to do the small things, take the small steps. As Voltaire said, "No snowflake ever feels responsible for an avalanche": it's individuals who make up the world, and everything starts with just one person, one intent, one action.

If you can make it, do attend Finn's meeting at the Farnham Maltings on Thursday 11th September, at 7 pm. £5 on the door.

I'm (ironically) away abroad (flight, car... oil dependent) on business for the oil company for which I contract, otherwise I would be there myself. Please support Finn.

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